The 5th Formby (URC) Scout Group was
formed in 1965 as the 79th Southport (Formby
Congregational), later changing its name to the current
name following reorganisations in the Scout
Association and also in the Church, URC standing for United
Reformed Church. To mark the 30th Anniversary in 1995
a 'Pearl' stripe on the previously plain yellow
Neckerchief was added.
5th Formby Scouts are registered with an organisation called easyfundraising, which means you can raise FREE donations for us every time you shop online. Over 4,000 shops and sites will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them - at no extra cost to yourself!
These donations really mount up and make a BIG difference to us, so we'd really appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign up and support us. It's completely FREE and only takes a moment.
You can find our easyfundraising page here (the page will open in a new window.)
As Scouts, we believe in preparing young people with skills for life. We encourage our young people to do more, learn more and be more. Each week, we give over 460,000 young people the opportunity to enjoy fun and adventure while developing the skills they need to succeed, now and in the future. We're talking about teamwork, leadership and resilience - skills that have helped Scouts become everything from teachers and social workers to astronauts and Olympians. We believe in bringing people together. We celebrate diversity and stand against intolerance, always. We're part of a worldwide movement, creating stronger communities and inspiring positive futures. By 2023 we will have prepared more young people with skills for life, supported by amazing leaders delivering an inspiring programme. We will be growing, more inclusive, shaped by young people and making a bigger impact in our communities. We are proud to say we are a values-based movement. Our Scout values of integrity, respect, care, belief and cooperation guide everything we do.
A unique aspect of the 5th Formby is our very strong link with our twin Scout Group DPSG Weilburg in Germany, which has been ongoing for over 40 years (see below).
The group meets at the Fisher Hall behind the United Reformed Church, Church Road, is sponsored by the Church and is open to all faiths. The church elders welcome all families to the church especially to the family and parade services.
To keep the 'active' side of the Group together we have a Group Scout Leader, currently Ken Tipping, who is also an active leader with the Explorer Scout Section. Supporting the Group Scout Leader and the section leadership is the Executive Committee.
The Group Executive is selected from parent volunteers to help manage the Group. The role of this Committee is in a similar vein to that of a School's PTA to raise funds for the Group, it also has the School Governor's role of overseeing the running of the Group. It meets regularly throughout the year 5 to 6 times with parent representatives being elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Group Executive committee welcome and sometimes need the support of parents to encourage participation in all activities and on occasions support at meetings and camps.
For the first two or three weeks, until your child is convinced that he or she wishes to join, there is normally no charge or a requirement to wear uniform. When your child formally joins we will expect them to pay the membership fee and subscription and wear the uniform, they can then take their section promise and be invested as a Beaver, Cub or Scout. The uniform with the exception of the neckerchief can be bought locally, please ask the section leader for advice.
It is important that we always have your current contact detail and the section leader is made aware of any allergies, diet and medical needs your son or daughter may have.
Since 1978 the 5th Formby has been
twined with the Scouts of DPSG Weilburg; the
two Groups meet every two years alternating between
our respective countries. The meetings consist of a
camp followed by a week hosted by the Scout families
in the Scouts' home town. Every member from the age of
9 can get involved and is an experience which no Scout
should miss. Many long term friendships are formed
which outlive the time spent as Scouts.
As part of the balanced programme
we try to fit in as many camps as possible. There are
a number of camps that we regularly go on each year.
Some examples are the Great Escape Camp at Tawd Vale
which is a competitive event and the Chariot Race Camp
in October. Another popular camp is the Frosty Camp,
which is usually in November or February and if it
freezes overnight then the Scouts earn the 'Below
Zero' Penguin Badge to show they have slept in a tent
under such conditions. In the years that there isn't a
Germany Camp (see above) we try and fit in a week's
camp but this is dependant on the Leaders having
sufficient holidays from work to hold one.
There is a certain minimum of equipment we would expect a Scout to go on camp with, for each camp a kit list is issued with the camp details, as the requirements do vary from camp to camp depending on the activities and time of year. It is suggested that you don't go and splash out on top notch camping equipment straight away, at least not until your son/daughter proves their commitment. You can then upgrade their camping equipment, always a good stocking filler at Christmas. The equipment can also be used for when they join the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. All tents and cooking equipment are always supplied.